So, Thanksgiving day I went to visit my grandma for the first time in almost two years. To keep a long story short, some family drama breaks out, divides the family, and ends up making seeing/talking to each other that much more difficult. It didn't hit me until that afternoon when I realized that it's truly a sad lonely world we live in.
My brother and I head over to my uncle's crib where she's been living at for the past, 50 years? I haven't been there in years, but it hadn't changed a bit. So my uncle accompanies us to see her in the bedroom where she spends where I'd say about twenty-two hours of her day.
When I walked into the room, a harsh reality hit me folks. I went to give my grandma a hug. Instead she resisted, held out her right hand and came at me with a handshake. I was confused. My brother was confused since he got the same treatment. She looks at my uncle and asks "Who are these two tall boys?" "They're your grand children" he said, telling her our Chinese names. "Who's kids are they?" It began to sink in. She's gone almost 98% senile.
This is the same woman who accompanied me to my first day of Kindergarten. The same woman who cut up fruits for me and brought out snacks after I finished my spelling homework. The same woman who was always over-protective of me both as an adult and child, and gave my bro a beat down if he laid a hand on me when we were kids. (lol sorry Jay) What is even crazier, is that she didn't even recognize my pops when he came to visit.
The memories of her children, grand children, and who knows what else, gone. Just like that. It's a bitch what old age can do to you. It's sad. The majority of her days she spends in her room. With the accompany of a bed, a broken drawer, a dusty table with a blanket over it and a dimmed light fixture. I guess I can understand the reasoning of her not leaving the house. She can barley recognize her own family, yet alone expect her to roam the streets.
But yeah folks. If there's any amends you've gotta make, beefs you need to settle, or need to just say hi to someone you haven't seen in a while. Take a little time, and go about doing so. Nobody deserves to go on living life like that. It's not worth it.
Sayonara folks!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Knicks
I'll post my views on their latest moves later in more detail... I am just so fucking tired right now.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Masterful Use of the Free Agent Wire
11/9 P.J. Pope (Den - RB) Add Free Agents Tom Cruise Line cigi
11/9 Ryan TorainP (Den - RB) Drop Tom Cruise Line Waivers cigi
11/9 Ryan TorainP (Den - RB) Add Free Agents Tom Cruise Line cigi
11/9 Le'Ron McClainP (Bal - RB) Drop Tom Cruise Line Waivers cigi
11/9 Le'Ron McClainP (Bal - RB) Add Free Agents Tom Cruise Line cigi
11/9 Carson Palmer (Cin - QB) Drop Tom Cruise Line Waivers cigi 7
11/8 Carson Palmer (Cin - QB) Add Free Agents Tom Cruise Line cigi
11/8 Jamaal Charles (KC - RB) Drop Tom Cruise Line Waivers cigi
Background Story: Fantasy football is some serious business man. So serious that so far this season, we've had money drama, racial epithets, physical threats, and even one GM calling to being in the local authoritahhhh. hahahaha
In this case, the GM for "The Jets Suck" calls out the GM for the "Tom Cruise Line" franchise whom happens to be the league clown/idiot/cry baby/virgin/racist.
Either way, this league has been straight up comedy since the start.
I'm about to lose my game this week, making my team a horrendous 6-5. Fucking dude I'm facing had Peyton Manning, Addai, Ted fucking Ginn, and DeAngelo Williams. Talk about epic FAIL.
hahaha oh well... Peace out haters.
11/9 Ryan TorainP (Den - RB) Drop Tom Cruise Line Waivers cigi
11/9 Ryan TorainP (Den - RB) Add Free Agents Tom Cruise Line cigi
11/9 Le'Ron McClainP (Bal - RB) Drop Tom Cruise Line Waivers cigi
11/9 Le'Ron McClainP (Bal - RB) Add Free Agents Tom Cruise Line cigi
11/9 Carson Palmer (Cin - QB) Drop Tom Cruise Line Waivers cigi 7
11/8 Carson Palmer (Cin - QB) Add Free Agents Tom Cruise Line cigi
11/8 Jamaal Charles (KC - RB) Drop Tom Cruise Line Waivers cigi
Background Story: Fantasy football is some serious business man. So serious that so far this season, we've had money drama, racial epithets, physical threats, and even one GM calling to being in the local authoritahhhh. hahahaha
In this case, the GM for "The Jets Suck" calls out the GM for the "Tom Cruise Line" franchise whom happens to be the league clown/idiot/cry baby/virgin/racist.
Either way, this league has been straight up comedy since the start.
I'm about to lose my game this week, making my team a horrendous 6-5. Fucking dude I'm facing had Peyton Manning, Addai, Ted fucking Ginn, and DeAngelo Williams. Talk about epic FAIL.
hahaha oh well... Peace out haters.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I haven't wrote anything relevant for a while, and I figured it's time to get in some practice before I lose my touch. Anyway, a few weeks ago I experienced a rude awakening. I've decided that I'm going to make an attempt to cut my smoking down to "social smoking" status. This would mean limiting myself to such activities like heavy drinking. Hopefully, I'd get around to quitting in general.
My friends and I have assembled a "Redeem Team," in an effort to prove we're not a bunch of "old wash ups." We're scrimmaging against the "ISS Flight," a bunch of trash-talking and annoying (haha remind you of someone) Chinatown high schoolers and college kids. It was my first time actually playing ball since the summer, and the first time since I'd say college since I've actually run a full court game.
So we're all doing our thing. 10-15 minutes into it, I'm on the court feeling outta breath. A little dizzy and I start feeling the taste of blood with every breath I took. I thought to myself, what the fuck this is not good. I got someone to sub in for me, and while I stood hovering over the sink in the bathroom coughing. My phlemn was black. Some pretty nasty stuff man.
Being the stubborn dude that I am I said to myself, "Aiite, if I switch from Menthols to Parliment Lights, it should make things better. It's gotta be the fiberglass," and all sorts of bologna. Did that, played again two more weeks and like last week I wasn't spitting out ash. But I felt like I was hit by a fucking Mack truck. If I wanted to continue rolling with my boys, I'd better take care of this.
Also, the girl that I've been seeing these past couple of months expressed her displeasure for smokers this past weekend. She let me know the deal and said she "told herself she'd never date a smoker," and that now that she's dating one is something new for her. Kind of got me thinking at first, because I figured she already knew my deal when we first met. But that's irrelavant. hahaha come to think of it, none of the chicks that I've seen really approved of my vice. But hey, she's put up with it this long, and hasn't been on my case like some people why not give it a shot for her? I think I owe it to my family, friends, and most importantly myself. Life is way too short. I've got too much to live for.
It's going to be a long and brutal process lol. But yeah, I'm going to finally try to fulfill a new years resolution I've had for three years. Until next time haters, be good and stay safe.. Holla at ya boy.
My friends and I have assembled a "Redeem Team," in an effort to prove we're not a bunch of "old wash ups." We're scrimmaging against the "ISS Flight," a bunch of trash-talking and annoying (haha remind you of someone) Chinatown high schoolers and college kids. It was my first time actually playing ball since the summer, and the first time since I'd say college since I've actually run a full court game.
So we're all doing our thing. 10-15 minutes into it, I'm on the court feeling outta breath. A little dizzy and I start feeling the taste of blood with every breath I took. I thought to myself, what the fuck this is not good. I got someone to sub in for me, and while I stood hovering over the sink in the bathroom coughing. My phlemn was black. Some pretty nasty stuff man.
Being the stubborn dude that I am I said to myself, "Aiite, if I switch from Menthols to Parliment Lights, it should make things better. It's gotta be the fiberglass," and all sorts of bologna. Did that, played again two more weeks and like last week I wasn't spitting out ash. But I felt like I was hit by a fucking Mack truck. If I wanted to continue rolling with my boys, I'd better take care of this.
Also, the girl that I've been seeing these past couple of months expressed her displeasure for smokers this past weekend. She let me know the deal and said she "told herself she'd never date a smoker," and that now that she's dating one is something new for her. Kind of got me thinking at first, because I figured she already knew my deal when we first met. But that's irrelavant. hahaha come to think of it, none of the chicks that I've seen really approved of my vice. But hey, she's put up with it this long, and hasn't been on my case like some people why not give it a shot for her? I think I owe it to my family, friends, and most importantly myself. Life is way too short. I've got too much to live for.
It's going to be a long and brutal process lol. But yeah, I'm going to finally try to fulfill a new years resolution I've had for three years. Until next time haters, be good and stay safe.. Holla at ya boy.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
You gotta admit....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Lebron James & Nicole Scherzinger- After Six
What's funny is that Nicole's boy toy Hamilton is signed to Reebok. hahaha @ the irony.
Halloween was the jumpoff! If you weren't out, you seriously missed out. People these days are just so damn original it's crazy. My bad to those of you I wasn't able to meet up with. Unfortunately, I was only able to be at one place at a time.
Be good folks.
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