"Damn its a cold blooded world out there. Jennifer Lopez was near tears after her movie got a negative reaction from fans during a screening of her new movie, “Bordertown.” Man up Jennifer, you should know the world is full of haters.(or maybe the movie just sucked)"
So because of the "snow storm," I was able to enjoy my seven day weekend. No complaints here, sports writing was cancelled, Dodson's been out the whole week, 8 A.M. yoga was cancelled, and I do next to nothing in Fitness class. What sucks chode is that I've been waking up consistanty at 6-7 A.M., ruining my whole sleep pattern and shit. I can no longer enjoy a nice 3 P.M. sleep in....
Chinese New Year has arrived, (Happy Year of the Boar) and the first batch of lay-see's have arrived! FTW!
Yo, so I wake up this morning praying that there'd be nothing but white covering the big fucking hole in front of my window. To my disapointment, not only was there no more than an inch of snow outside, I had to wake up for my 9:15 class with Pushkin. I figured he was the kind of teacher whom would travel 2 hours in a blizzard for the three loser kids who decided to show up and fuck everyone's day up. So, I get no e-mail saying that class was cancelled. It's already 9:15 and I hadn't left my dorm yet. I drag myself across the unispan sluggishly and by the time I finished my stoge and arrived at Calkins it was 9:26. I open the door and there's like six kids in there.
I ask some chick if he was in, and if there was class still. She hadn't seen him and there was still no word of a cancellation. I used this time to attempt to catch up on my work and to no prevail, my color intensity scale still looks like a piece of shit. 11 o'clock hits, I'm pissed at this point, with still no sign of Pushkin, I decide to start washing my brushes in the sink and what happens? Go figure, dude walks in and says, "I called the school, class is cancelled." Stupid bitches in the art department failed to fucking say a word to us, despite some chick in our class asking about what the deal was.
I unburied my whip after I got out and went to bowling class. The roads were a fucking mess. Unplowed and all that good stuff. After bowling, I got back and found out that there was no classes after 2pm. That made my day, ate a late lunch and passed out at around 3. Woke up at around 7 after Mike IM'd me to ask if I'd drive him to the train station. We make the first right turn out of Hofstra and my car goes sliding across Oak street. That almost put Mike and Brian into cardiac arrest and he said "fuck it, I'm not going, turn back in." That did give him a valid excuse for not going into the city on Valentines day.
Asian driver + Snow/Ice + frozen windshield wipers = Get me the fuck outta this car.
Haha, Rainbow 6 all night tonight. Step your game up...
Check out this clip from Top Gear... British dudes are smokin that good stuff doing shit like this...
I strained my neck this morning in Yoga doing the "cobra position" or whatever it's called... My lungs and thighs are pretty much done thanks to a 12-minute run during "Fitness For Life" class. At least I'll be buff when May comes around. Yeah, what bitch?
Aside from that, I'm on my third Red Bull in eight hours trying to stay awake until the game tonight.
Bitches are already lined up for tickets outside and the game doesn't start till 7. Fucking bush league.