I ask some chick if he was in, and if there was class still. She hadn't seen him and there was still no word of a cancellation. I used this time to attempt to catch up on my work and to no prevail, my color intensity scale still looks like a piece of shit. 11 o'clock hits, I'm pissed at this point, with still no sign of Pushkin, I decide to start washing my brushes in the sink and what happens? Go figure, dude walks in and says, "I called the school, class is cancelled." Stupid bitches in the art department failed to fucking say a word to us, despite some chick in our class asking about what the deal was.
I unburied my whip after I got out and went to bowling class. The roads were a fucking mess. Unplowed and all that good stuff. After bowling, I got back and found out that there was no classes after 2pm. That made my day, ate a late lunch and passed out at around 3. Woke up at around 7 after Mike IM'd me to ask if I'd drive him to the train station. We make the first right turn out of Hofstra and my car goes sliding across Oak street. That almost put Mike and Brian into cardiac arrest and he said "fuck it, I'm not going, turn back in." That did give him a valid excuse for not going into the city on Valentines day.
Asian driver + Snow/Ice + frozen windshield wipers = Get me the fuck outta this car.
Haha, Rainbow 6 all night tonight. Step your game up...
Check out this clip from Top Gear... British dudes are smokin that good stuff doing shit like this...
This pic had me rollin for a minute... LMAO
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