Sunday, October 21, 2007

Scumbags and One Eyed Willy

The effects of alcohol can bring out the inner-scumbag in all of us.

On Friday night, shortly after the slight drama which went down outside of Park, I was able to somewhat divert all of the negative attention onto myself almost effortlessly. Some chick that just finished copping Halal was crossing the street and decided to not avoid the gigantic puddle of water in front of her. So what happens? The chick stumbles in the puddle ruining her heels and soaking the bottom of her pants.

My instincts kick in, and my obnoxious Jadakiss-esque laugh ensues. The shit was hilarious. Unfortunately, nobody happens to share the same sense of humor as I. The chick ends up grilling the crew, and I received the third degree from just about everyone. So I ended up being called a jerk and lectured about how much of a scumbag move that was. Everyone except for D.T., who knew what was up.

Saturday night was trouble though. We hit up K-Town, downed a bottle Johnny Walk and a few brews and one-eyed Willy was destined to make an appearance. Claudia Schiffer eh? LOL! GOOOONIES!

Nowadays, I've got morals, as humorous as it may sound.

And yo, girls can be pretty damn cruel as well. They definitely know how to make a dude feel awkward after meeting them, that’s for sure. Hahaha.

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